Emma Guare (Mothering It)
Emma Guare (@Mothering_It) is a married mother of 6. Emma navigates her social media presence by sharing her journey of mothering her 6 young children whilst also running her own wellness business with her followers.
Emma supports and empowers women to fulfil their own selves whilst in the throes of motherhood herself.
Emma is passionate about wellbeing, self care, and installing a sense of calm amidst the chaos of life. Sharing tips, personal and real honest words across her social platforms she reaches into the hearts of those not just in their motherhood journeys, but anyone seeking assurance, empowerment and learning to find grace and self kindness.
Emmas previous partnerships include Bugaboo, HelloFresh, Smiths Toys, Tesco, Emma Sleep, Burns bees and most recently partnered with DIY Money on a campaign to spread awareness around money management.